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“The application of GIS is limited only
by the imagination of those who use it.”
 – Jack Dangermond, Esri

Balkan Tourist Maps creates tailor-made maps for cities, municipalities, tourist agencies and other actors in the tourist and cartography industry. We develop geo-databases and apply the latest geodetic tools to implement cartographic solutions tailored to our clients' needs.


Balkan tourist maps vrši izradu različitih tipova mapa (plan grada, turistička karta opštine i slično) koje će dati značajan doprinos u afirmaciji turističkih potencijala nekog grada, opštine ili regije. Udovoljavamo različitim potrebama  klijenata, vršimo redizajniranje i ažuriranje postojećih mapa ili kreiranje potpuno novih mapa.



©2023 by Samuel Glade | Landscape Architect | Proudly created with

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